Text Principles and Structure
Understand first:
The Segment and target the narrowest segment for the message as possible.
The Goal: what the purpose of the message is, how the user will pay more.
All text should be:
- Understandable (if it's public, 100% of the audience and your grandma should understand).
- Needed.
- Short as possible (and even shorter).
Body Text:
Additional information/features — in bullet points, steps how to do — in number list, additional steps in number list — in bullet points;
Bold for offer/Call to action (depending on the goal) or emphasis (if needed);
Links on phrase/action/email (not on "learn more", "here"), opened in another tab, use: target="_blank";
- Emails:
- Subject hot, max 6-10 words;
- Greetings (formal/informal);
- Introduction (what it is);
- Conclusion/profit (why you need this);
- Signature (private — personal letters; general (support) — newsletters).
- Tasks, FAQ's, Borcov.group:
- Headline: describes a problem or asks a "How to" question;
- 1 sentence = 1 step: Do > This > Where;
Never use 'right-click', 'double-click' (Tablets don't have this option);
- Avoid using articles 'the', 'a';
- SP: For FAQ to be added B2B/B2C;
SP: Use element names: "top toolbar", in the top toolbar "widget", in the widget "block"; "right toolbar", in the right toolbar use only the tab name (for example: in right toolbar select the "Facebook comment");
Give example if possible.
- SP/B1 Websites:
- Always translated to LT, EN, RU.
- SP: use existing variables, create new only if no other option.
- B1.lt: Module names in text are written in brackets „ ... “, in the titles — without brackets
- Articles:
Length is not so important;
Important: keywords, backlinks, link(s) to the sources.
- "SP/B1 Updates" Teams chats:
- English only;
- If possible, provide URL to check update;
- If adding screenshot — show where/what exactly was added/changed/removed with arrows/rectangles;
- Mention @TeamMember who requested update.
Manual aliases:
Do not forget that users and Google will see them as well:
- Search for ideas:
- Find all customers' tickets with particular FAQ , and choose relevant/best ones;
- Search in FAQ text and pictures;
- Search in Google how people/competitors formulate questions;
- Ask colleagues/friends how they would ask the question;
- If all the best are found, do not search for new ones.
- Rules for text:
- Show it to someone with expertise in this question (German, Tania, Alex);
- Test it on users from other project(s), how they understand. Live testing up to 30-40 sec.
- Every person related to communication should install a proofing tool for all communication languages;
- British English;
- In title case, nouns, verbs (including phrasal verbs, e.g. Keep Out, Get Into, Go Out, etc.), adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, and all words of 4+ letters should always be capitalized;
- Never capitalised: article (a, an, the), prepositions (at, in, on, to, ..), conjunctions (and, yet, or, ...).
- Avoid all kinds of personal data. Double check what kind of emails/domains/etc. you use. For examples use ONLY example.com domain/email and Gmail interface.
Writing rules: