Attributes & Dimensions


We suggest to use tribal priciples (by R. Immelman) to inspire ourselves.

Tribal Attributes:

  1. A strong tribe must have a common enemy
  2. A strong tribe has clearly defined symbols
  3. A strong tribe offers a superordinate identity to all sub-tribes
  4. A strong tribe has a credible, just cause for its continued existence
  5. A strong tribe has an accepted rite of passage
  6. A strong tribe has clear external measures of success
  7. A strong tribe understands and protects its source of power​​​​​​
  8. A strong tribe knows how it compares to the "untouchables"
  9. The criteria for tribal membership are clear and credible
  10. Tribes communicate in a non-traditional, subjective, and intuitive manner
  11. A strong tribe develops its own unique language
  12. Tribal roles are fundamentally different from accepted functional roles
  13. Strong tribes record and celebrate significant events that reinforce their identity and value
  14. A strong tribe has a clearly defined and well-known justice mechanism
  15. A strong tribe has a clearly defined icon that embodies the tribal value
  16. A strong tribe has a walled city — a place of refuge where things of value to the tribe are kept
  17. A strong tribe possesses objects of value that embody the tribe's value
  18. A strong tribe has a revered figurehead
  19. A strong tribe celebrates and cares for the skills, tools, and implements required for its prosperity
  20. A strong tribe expects unquestioning loyalty
  21. A strong tribe has clearly defined roles, responsibilities, values, authority, power structure, and chain of command
  22. A strong tribe has a leader dedicated to the tribe's success
  23. Strong leaders have capable mentors whose psychological limits exceed their own


Tribal Dimensions:

  • Individuals are socially, emotionally, and psychologically defined by their tribal membership
  • Individual Security (IS): Individuals act to reinforce their security when under threat
  • Individual Value (IV): Individuals act to reinforce their self-worth when their security is not under threat
  • Tribal Security (TS): Tribes act to secure their self-preservation if their security is under threat
  • Tribal Value (TV): Tribes act to reinforce their self-worth when their security is not under threat