For New Templates Only
Find clear themed site examples for inspiration
On Update
Upload screenshot of template (to represent it in template library) 968x660px, <250kb
When template is approved, synchronize it to update all changes
Templates are available in v4 builder version only
Check the template on mobile device in builder mode
Maximum similar to real website
3-6 menu items (pages or anchors for landings)
All content is relevant to website style and category
All content has CC0 license (free license)
Represent 2+ fashionable features: sticky, parallax, bg-video, animations, etc.
Header/Footer: set as shown on all pages
Max size: 8Mb
All file and template names only in English
Within each category, templates should look different
Width in "%" when possible
Height in "auto" when possible
Margins and paddings
Multiply factor: x10px
Use same margin/padding horizontally/vertically if possible
Use paddings to arrange content area inside layouts
Use paddings + min width + min height to form buttons
Use margins or % of width to make distance between elements
Fonts and texts
Default maximum size of content blocks 1200px
Create/edit templates in English
Use headers/short phrases only from Translator
Texts are clear and readable (high contrast between text and background)
1 Font family is default (max. 2)
Check in Google Fonts if the font supports non-Latin symbols: Lithuanian, German, Spanish, Russian, Chinese. Review the template on these languages
Body min. font size 16px (even after scaling factor decreasing)
Body line height=+50% to font size (e.g. Font 16 px, Line height 24px). For headers may be less
Avoid Justify
Don't use custom font styles, delete them from styles list
Use for contacts: phone variable +00 000 00000, email
All buttons and links are internal
All links have a hover effect when possible
Avoid fixed width for buttons
Logo is a text (may have icon near) with link to home page
Logic block have one common link
Images, icons, video, audio
Use only media with CC0 license:
icons: Google Icons, Fontawesome 4.7
video: Pexels - use only video without people
audio: Youtube Audiolibrary
For fixed background: 1920x1080 px, image size <400kb
All content (images, videos, audio ,...) source ("src") should be inside template (not linked to external source)
Set images coordinates in galleries
Contact forms
Reset form height to auto
Add checkbox "I agree to the Terms..." if personal information is collected
To save draft template:
Add template preview img png 968x660px, <250kb
To share draft template:
To publish the approved template:
To Edit/Add compositions:
Go to Config - Prices - Edit B2b/B2C compositions
Choose the category, add new or edit composition - Apply
Sync V4 compositions in Dashboard
Blog compositions are edited in templates - Landing Page - Circle of life.
After editing, save and sync this template and update composition following the previous 3 steps.